At the given stage there is a preparation of characters and objects for animation – setup. Before the lifeless sculpture of the character will be ready for "life", it is necessary to create its skeleton, to make control elements, to create the system of muscles and to adhere it to the model, to prepare clothes for the calculation of collisions and dynamics. Each character needs individual treatment on the stage of setup as depending on actions which it make in the shot in accordance with the plot, various complexes of technological decisions are used.
Nature has awarded the human being with more than one hundred mimic muscles thanks to which we are able to express our emotions, to show our attitude to the events by means of mimicry. In the process of character setup it is necessary to consider all these mimic features so that characters would be expressing their emotions realistically and pronouncing the remarks.
One of the primary goals of the characters setup is to achieve convenience in working process of the animator with the model. Animation and setup departments work in close cooperation the result of which is almost unlimited possibilities for animators while they revive characters.