( 2010, 2009 )
Interview with Glukoza Production`s General Director Sergey Lubinetsky
October 19th
Added an interview with Glukoza Production`s General Director Sergey Lubinetsky and Creative Director Andrew Evdokimov posted in Russian edition of Cinefex Magazine.

Postproduction works are finished for Milana`s new Music Video “Our Love Is Alive”
October 19th
Postproduction works are finished for Milana`s new Music Video “Our Love Is Alive” . Complex Computer Graphics and visual effects along with the live action are used in this video. To implement the Director`s ideas we had to create six highly detailed virtual computer worlds. Milana`s greenscreen footage was seamless composed into these worlds by means of compositing. Along with standard technics such as modeling and texturing we used mattepaint, multitexturing and camera projection. Six video tracks that were resulted for each world were specially projected onto the corresponding facets of CG cubes, out of which the animators created, as if mosaic patterns, natural changing pictures, the center of which is Milana.

Interview with Savva`s scriptwriter Gregory Poirier
October 18th
Added an interview with scriptwriter Gregory Poirier posted in Russian edition of Cinefex Magazine.

Finished music video "Izmeni" for Viktoria Ilinskaya and Grigory Leps
January 22nd
Sad story about loss of love. Singers shooted walking on greenscreen then all exterior and objects was CG generated.